As the regeneration of Kings Cross continues these places will be forgotten. I'm not sure what the deadline for this building is or what the plans for it are. I will endeavour to find out and keep you posted. At present this brick building in Pancras Rd still has a couple of businesses in it. Antiques, A mirror store and a gallery.
I actually really like this building. It does have that yesteryear feel to it, especially with all the antiques spilling out on to the pavement and the old school, hand-painted signs.
I suppose the Tailor gave up when blue genes were all the go.
This is a great photo. I hope that lovely brick doesn't get covered up.
A pity when many of these buildings go, rather than be changed or modernized, no doubt the old bricks will get used again somewhere
Somehow this picture has a cool London vibe to it. That guy just looks like he belongs. Love it!
This has the feeling of a photorealist painting. I really like that!
I like your photo. The building has good bones. It deserves to be kept and restored.
The same kind of regeneration is going on all over Montreal!
I passed through Kings Cross several times lately. They really are transforming the area. It's a shame when old buildings go but some of it is/was pretty seedy.
Once housed a garage repairs/car wash
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