I don't want to be a spoilsport at Xmas but I have to tell you Rudolph is not real. How do I know this? Remember recently I had a
behind the scenes visit to the Natural History Museum, well another of the gems I learnt that evening is that male reindeer lose their antlers in winter. However the girls don't lose theirs until spring. So Santa's sleigh is really led by Clarisse. Go girls!
Don't think that can be right; how could she lead when it's a well known fact that girlies don't know lef from ight and can't read maps. I think the myth is safe!
I'm OK with that.
That's fine by me. However, the sleigh could also be led by castrated male reindeer .. :-)
Led by the women because the males are all tinned and on sale at Harvey Nichols!
Great shot, were you stood on a ladder, or atop a Christmas tree perhaps?!?
I tell you, they've been hiding those female accomplishments for years!
This mythical Rudolph is quite green!
if you tell me
this giant green rudolph
is made entirely of lego, then
i'd have to say this is pretty darn cool
well, it's kinda cool anyway
odd, but cool
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Haha.... I knew this since I'm a hunter. But most people chose not to believe me! This picture is great though.... the green is very bright! Is this Covent Garden?
Kingsized one :) Love the photo
I can't think of any comment that would not get me in trouble . . .
but you got a good shot, Mo!
Colorful shot.
amazing! clarisse :D
Rudy could be transgender...?
Nice shot.
Cool story ! The news deserves to be spread;
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