
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Never Be Bored in London

Just released by Tired of London Tired of Life the book from the blog of the same name. Tom takes you on a new adventure every day in London. This is not just another book with the same old tourist attractions. Tom said "I set myself a challenge to discover new things to do, and secretly began to form my own collection of hidden delights". Now Tom is sharing these delights with all of us, like for example "sit on the bench that ended slavery", touch a meteorite, and follow it up with a drink in a Victorian Gin Palace".
This is a book for anyone who wants to see more than just the usual sites of London - visitors and Londoners alike.
I was lucky enough to grab the very last copy at the launch last night. Make sure you grab your copy here before they all race out the door .


jabblog said...

Sounds excellent. I think you should publish something similar with your photographs:-)

Malcolm Edwards said...

I made the mistake of thinking that there was plenty of time to buy one as there was a decent sized pile on the table when I arrived. Wrong!

Never mind, I'll find one elsewhere and get Tom to sign it the next tme I see him.

It was a fun evening and congratulations to Tom for his first book.

Gunn said...

So where can I get hold of it, on Tuesday??

Congratulations to TOM!

Mo said...

You can get a copy from Tom's website here:

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

When I was a student in London many years ago a friend and I made a vow to visit somewhere new every week. Lack of funds led us to some interesting places but how many more we would have found with a book like this!

Lowell said...

I do believe if I were planning to visit London, I'd grab a copy of that book...but...London is not in my immediate future, I'm sorry to say. I hope someday, though!

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent! Thank you Mo.

Sharon said...

This sounds like a book for me!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the tip, Mo! I will check the book now.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I just couldn't imagine getting tired with London at all Mo, sounds like the book is selling like hotcakes..

Dani Middleton said...

Very sad I couldn't go to the launch. But cant wait to get my hands on the book. I imagine it must have amazing hidden places that I haven't discovered myself.

Adullamite said...

Why is it other folks get all the ideas?
I agree with Jabblog, you ought to consider a book of pics along with a story of the subject.

Jack said...

That is pretty cool. It looks like this young man has found a way to turn his interests and his blog into a bit of money.

Gemel said...

Can't think of ever being tired of London, but, I guess some don't see the it the same way.

Nice idea though Tom.

Caroline said...

What fun.

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