
Wednesday, 11 January 2012

New Look BT

There is something different about the appearance of the BT Tower and it's not the count down to the Olympics. The satellite dishes have gone. The skinny bit in the middle used to be covered in giant dishes. Now that fibre optics has replaced the older microwave technology the dishes were redundant and because of their age a potential danger in falling. During last year they have gradually been removed. The last one coming down in December. A nicer looking tower now don't you think? See here for more information on the removal of the dishes.


Babzy.B said...

thanks a lot for the link it helped me to understand the whole thing :) I found the tower nicer without the dishes !

Adullamite said...

I still call it the Post Office Tower! So very 60's in its design.

H said...

I still call it the Post Office tower too!

It looks a lot neater without the dishes. They never suited the shape of the tower.

Sharon said...

A lot cleaner looking for sure.

Luis Gomez said...

Looks great Mo. Thanks for the link.

jabblog said...

That looks so much better - cleaner lines.

Anna said...

Catching up on your blog. So many great captures. The tower looks like a sonic screwdriver. :-) And I loved the bit below about the bells. Happy New Year Mo!

Matt said...

It looks kind of bare!
Check it out when it was being built...

The Londoneer said...

About time that they also reconsider opening the tower to visitors - buildings like this in comparable cities all over the world aren't closed like this one is - the TV tower in Berlin being a case in point. I've been told by people who were around at the time that the revolving restaurant offered an amazing view of London

Karine said...

Huh, I had never seen a picture of that building before!

Angie said...

Looks much better now (I looked at the old image on Ian MCEwans 'Saturday')

Jack said...

Thanks for the link, Mo. It is unquestionably better without the dishes.

Witness said...

nice shot!

Adullamite said...

The revolving restaurant was closed because of the IRA bomb threat. Friends used it before that and thought the view great!

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