Air pollution in London can reduce your life by six months. Yikes, I didn't realise that. Camden council have these stations to measure the quality of the air. Central London charges vehicles a congestion charge during business hours, to try and reduce the number of vehicles. Our current mayor has reversed some of the areas this applies to. The wealthier ones where more polluting vehicles are seen. Electric vehicles may look strange but they are encouraged and are exempt from the congestion charge. If only someone could invent a real alternative to fossil fuels. What say you?
Some say there is more pollution in the country as it is unseen but floats from the city. Excuse me while I find my old Great War gas mask.
Or we could walk, or get on your bike with Boris.
I'm with you! At least you have an exceptional mass transit system. Here, ours is just beginning to shape up. But, I have to agree a little with John above. When I visit London, I walk everywhere and I love it.
Walk or Oyster card?
Whats 6 months when you get to 80????
Oh dear, here in Australia we have been consumed with this argument for over a year now. And although we have a put a price on Carbon and are moving towards a market mechanism for pricing carbon as Europe does, the 'people' are not happy and are about to throw the government out and reverse the thinking on Carbon. So, do not worry. Pollution is NOT man-made and because Australia is so very small, we do not have to do a thing about it!!
We prefer to stick out heads in the sand ... what a bunch of $%#%^$%^ we are!
A few years back when I lived in Kensington - Earl's Court more precisely, the big brouhaha was whether or not RBK&C would be included in an expanded Central Zone. I was disgusted by the number of Range Rovers, Lexus, Mercedes, Astons, et al parked in front of their Georgian townhouses that displayed their "No Central Zone RBK&C" bumper stickers. All these gits in their million Pound (or 2 or 3 million pound) homes with their £100K cars, and they were complaining because they'd have to pay an extra pound a day (after resident discount).
An alternative to fossil fuels is essential! They are constantly working on that here in Canada. A large percentage of our buses in Montreal are now hybrid bio-fuel and electric and hybrid cars are becoming more and more popular. They are also making licence fees higher for car and motorcycle drivers, much to their disgust, but a portion of the money that brings the government goes to funding public transit, which makes pt users like me very happy!
I definitely prefer not to drive in London. Although there are times when it is necessary to drive, the tube and buses make getting around without a car quite a reasonable option; especially with an Oyster card.
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