
Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Animal Artists

This is what you would expect to see in a zoology museum right. Well this plus loads of other creepy specimens, and I did! Moles in jars, brains of every imaginable animal, worms and leeches and other things that make you feel decidely squeemish.
What I hadn't expected to find was the display of paintings done by animals.
Don't believe me? Then go check it out at the Grant Museum at the University College London.


Adullamite said...

A good museum I never got around to visit sadly.

Tanya Breese said...

sounds like an interesting museum!

Sharon said...

I wouldn't expect anything less from the universisty that has Jeremy Bentham's skeleton dressed and sitting in the lobby. I met with one of the deans a few years ago and he took us on a tour. I was amazed at the huge collection on Egyptian artifacts in one of the museums there. But, I must admit, I didn't see this museum. Sounds just as interesting as the others I saw.

jabblog said...

Always fascinating to see preserved remains. I liked the glass sculpture of the snail on the Grant Museum website.

Caroline said...

Sounds just fascinating. A hip hippopotamus

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