There's something to be said for these old style directions. Trying to find your way around London can be difficult at times. Generally street names are at the beginning and end of a street. If you come in a block
in between try finding a sign post to tell you where you are. Almost impossible. Ask someone for directions and they're likely to tell you they are not from around here and they don't know.
Yes and signs like this are so attractive! Google maps helps now I have a smartphone
I'm suprised it's still there!!!
It's always nice to see old milestones.
Well said. hahaha... :D I always faced that when driving through an unfamiliar place.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Great shot.
I like this old sign and I understand the street thing very well! I've experienced exactly what you have described.
Mileposts are so attractive. I've been looking at some of the ones around here and thinking of blogging them. The only problem is that I normally pass them in a car, when I'm driving.
The first time I arrived in London at Liverpool station I asked 2 guys at the bus stop which direction the Thames was so that I would know which direction to take the bus. Neither of them had any idea - blew me away - I bought a map!
Lovely shot, really good!
You canny live in London without an 'A-Z' of some sort.
It's that way - and it's a long way. Very helpful!
This reminds me of Wall Drug, a tourist attraction in South Dakota built around a drug store and other tourist shops. All around the country, there are signs pointing and saying "354 miles to Wall Drug" or "197 miles to Wall Drug" and the like.
clever , i like these old signs ! :)
There's an old stone in Clapham Common South Side....'5 miles to Royal Exchange'
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