
Thursday, 1 March 2012

March Theme Day - Electricity

This month's CityDailyPhoto (CDP) theme for a photo is electricity.

I've brought you an image of the Savoy Theatre. This grand building first opened in October 1881. Impressive for its grandeur but also impressive as it was the first public building in the world to be lit entirely by electricity. When? 1889!

It was revamped in 1929 and then rebuilt again in 1993 due to fire.

To see other interpretations of electricity today:
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Janet said...

Electricity history! Love it.

Adullamite said...

The entrance to the Savoy Hotel is the only left hand road in the UK I am told. Not very electrifying but there it is.
Lovely picture, expensive Eon Bill!

Halcyon said...

Neat take on today's theme. Looks like a very fancy place!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well now there's something I didn't know, see that's why I like doing this, you learn something new everyday. I hope this one comes up in a quiz at some point Mo, I'll most probably be the only one who knows this fact. Great post.

Mandy said...

What a lovely photo! I love the composition. Wasn't the Savoy refurbished last year too?

Luis Gomez said...

Love it Mo!

Brianna said...

Love the look of this place. Very intriguing. Makes you want to pop in and see what the place is about!

RedPat said...

A great piece of history Mo!

My name is Riet said...

First I thought nothing of it til I saw it was in 1889. Wonderful.

Babzy.B said...

good choice , interesting post ! :)

Caroline said...

As usual, Mo, a wonderfully interesting post for electicity. Fascinating. Its impossible to imagine a world without electricity.

Buck said...

Oh, how exquisite! A wonderful photo and it's tied to history. Couldn't be better.

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