
Monday, 5 March 2012

Pot Shot in the Middle Ages

This doorway takes you through to the hidden garden of Staple Inn. For protection the gates would be closed and undesirables would be shot through the small grill.

I am away on holiday hoping posts are appearing for you.  I've had several problems since blogger did their recent upgrade. Has anyone else experienced problems? Hopefully they will sort themselves out while I'm away.  If not I apologise and will try and sort them out when i get back.


Hilda said...

Beautiful texture in your photo. And now I have to go search for the origin of "pot shot"...

No problem seeing your posts, but I've noticed that FB can't read Blogger blogs anymore - no title, summary or image.

Caroline said...

Spooky photo. My Blogger woes started when I upgraded to the latest version of Internet Explorer so I "Uninstalled" it and now all is fine again.

Sharon said...

I'm glad they don't do that anymore.

Safe travels.

H said...

What a sturdy looking door!

Have a good holiday.

Mandy said...

Apart from my spam issue, I haven't had any problems with Blogger. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

I love this photo - it is really well composed and I love how inviting it is. I want to peek through that grate!

Hope you're having a good rest. I'm going to say a "well earned rest" because you are so diligent with your blog.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's a pretty sturdy looking door there Mo, handy little 'shooting undesirables' grill too.

Karine said...

That is one intense door! Just seeing that door I wouldn't even bother getting near it, never mind being close enough to be shot!

Jack said...

This door has marvelous wooden textures. Enjoy your time away.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

I felt completely comfortable with Blogger until recently - when they went wild with changing everything. Some's good but much is pointless and irritating. Captcha is driving people up the wall and comment boxes tend to be very odd. Information about Blogs and Bloggers is confused because it's been caught up with Google circles and Plus . . . or whatever. Google has decided we like everything bundled in together. I like things distinct - much more manageable and can be personalised in different ways. I think Google wants to take over the world. It's a race between Google, Amazon and Monsanto. We're all doomed!

Not shot really? Nice textures in the picture.

Babzy.B said...

i love old wooden doors , this one is great !

DH said...

Where did you get that about shooting undesirables? It does sound illegal even in those days.

Witness said...

nice shot!

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