
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

100 Days to Go

Today marks 100 days until the Olympics. How many of you will be coming to London for the event? Do you have tickets? How many of you who live in London are staying in town?


Anonymous said...

I come every year in London, because I simply LOVE LONDON, but I've decided to not be there for Olympics... Too much chaos and high prices!!

from Italy

John said...

Hope to get to St Pancras and Kings Cross with a few cameras in May/June - won't go near it during the Olympics.

Angie said...

Maybe another time, Mo.

Sharon said...

I love London way too much to expose myself to the crazy crowds that will be there for the Olympics. I'm going to Italy this year instead.

Anonymous said...

I just moved to London and I am loving it so I'll go away during the games.

Anonymous said...

Ditto the above--can't wait for London to return to being London


Caroline said...

Well I hope its half as much fun as the World Cup was in South Africa! I would love to be there.

Adullamite said...

I'm sick of Olympics already.

Great picture mind, really well caught!

Gunn said...

I will avoid London around that time. If we go to England I hope to see small places, around Yorkshire perhaps.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Exciting Mo, will you be going to any of the events?

Jack said...

I have never been to the Olympics in person and this summer I will keep that string intact. London deserves to have a good show; I hope enough other people feel differently than I do.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Are you, londoners, ready to begin the show?

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