
Monday, 16 April 2012

Piccadilly Horses

The statue of the four horses of Helios with a small fountain at their feet is popular for a tourist photo. I haven't been able to find any information on the history of why this statue was put here. I'm relying on some of you to enlighten me.


Sharon said...

In the Phoenix and the surrounding cities, we have many horse statues similar to this. The horse is a very popular subject for sculptors.

Adullamite said...

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Powerful statues!!

mh1984 said...

A quick google search and I cant find any history on these statues either, only that they were 'created by sculptor Rudy Weller in 1992' The lack of info on this is strange, no?

Babzy.B said...

great details :)

Mr Paul said...

I absolutely love this Fountain & Sculpture. It is perhaps one of my favourites. Sadly the fountain is turned off more than it is on but as Valladolid Daily Photo says above its power is quite incredible.

Mandy said...

Thank goodness for Adullamite's link. I think I'll have to track down this sculpture now! Great photo!

Karine said...

I can see why it's popular, I'd want to visit it and take photos of it as well!

imajoebob said...

As I understand, this was installed because the owner of the building thought it would increase the property value and the rent he can charge. That's it. Nothing symbolic, no tribute, just pure commerce. And it worked, probably better than he ever hoped. At least well enough that he paid to have it repaired/refurbished a few years ago.

Mo said...

Like most of you I could only find information about the sculptor, but nothing about the reason behind it. I think your comments imajoebob explain why. It seems to make sense now.

Jenny Woolf said...

A wonderfully dramatic fountain.

Button Ginger said...

did you look up and see the divers going off the edge of the building?

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