Yes .. "UP" at the O2 is London's latest fantastic outdoor adventure and I got to try it out on the weekend. You climb across the roof of the O2 Arena on a 350 metre long fabric "walkway". Starting out from base camp, in your climbing suit and harness, our guide, who was both an experienced mountain climber and an up and coming film director, guided us up the 180 metre ascent to the viewing platform. From here, at the centre of the arena, 52 metres above ground, you have a perfect 360 degree view of London. Absolutely stunning!! Planes flying overhead, boats on the Thames, and London's super skyline on display.

After loads of picture taking, tweeting and facebook posting time, it's the back onto the guide wires and the descent down the other side. By this time we were of course all experts with the climbing gear ... really it's so easy and safe, and an exhilarating experience not to be missed. I'm already planning my sunset climb..

It will be open all year round:
June - September weekdays 12pm- 8pm, weekends 10am - 6pm.
October - May weekdays 12pm - 6pm, weekends 10am - 4pm. Your 90 minute thrill costs a mere £22.
Wow, what an expierence!
WOW, indeed. Looking forward to seeing more pics (can only see 2 from my end)
I have done this too and it's super!! It's a must do for any visitor and Londoner alike. Plus you get to wear all the climbing gear - makes it really feel like the real thing!
Ah.. something to try when I go to London again! ;-)
There can't be many places in London that us mere mortals can get into where you could get tis kind of 360 degree view - worth it for that alone
Mo, you are so adventurous!
What a fun adventure! It sounds like a wonderful way to see London from a different point of view. It makes me think of the climb on the bridge in Sydney Australia.
excellent. I am in for this adventure next time I am in London. I love heights for photos, but let me guess they won't let you take your camera on the climb. we did the bridge climb in Sydney Australia and they would not let us take the camera or really anything that could fall
This is so cool! What an adventure, and love these adventure shots. I think I got a better feel for UP via your post than all the news outlets together!
I will give you a lot of credit. And your pictures are superb. But, with my fear of heights, I couldn't do that if my life depended on it! Kudos to you!
Sounds wonderful! Thanks for the pictures Mo. Would love to do this.
cool cool cool pics, mo
especially that top one
love the subtle coloring
× × ×
Fantastic pictures! It's taken my breath away!
What a great adventure. Great shots and post.
Darryl and Ruth :)
Wow. Seems like a very cool experience!
That's cool! I'm gonna give that a go the next time I'm down in London. :D The view from up there must be spectacular too.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
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