
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

A Quiet Spot

Olympic fever is in full swing, there is no way you can be in London and not be aware of the games, even if its only because your daily journey is disrupted. Summer arrived over night and temperatures have doubled. A moment in a quiet shady spot is the perfect way to keep your sense of humour.
Bunhill Fields Cemetery in Islington, not far from the City of London is a wonderful place to sit with your newspaper or book.
Originally the land was part of the manor of Finsbury forming the moor between the City of London and the village of Hoxton. In the 15th Century is was used by the military for archery practice. Although a few bones had been buried in the fields during this period, it was during the plague of the following century that it became a major burial ground as the church cemeteries ran out of space. The grounds were never consecrated and so became popular with the non-conformists ie dissenters of the Church of England. The last burial here was in 1854 and became a public park in 1869.


Angie said...

I'm sure the pic is good, Mo (you guessed it, no pic for my eyes!) Blake, Bunyan, Defoe etc can sleep in peace.

My name is Riet said...

It looks nice and quiet as it should be. The crowds must be coming ovnight I suppose.

Luis Gomez said...

Nice looking place Mo.

Yukinori Katayama said...

Yeah, good shot!

Sharon said...

Such a pleasant shot, it makes you feel comfortable. It's nice that there are quiet places in the the storm of huge crowds and heavy traffic.

Karine said...

Great history and a very peaceful looking place!

Anonymous said...

it's peaceful,
and a nice spot to visit
(for a while, ie, not for eternity),
but i'm not sure i'd want to be reading anything too spooky here :)

× × ×


Adullamite said...

A strange cemetery I thought, all those railings! Isn't Wesley buried there, his church was over the road I think.
Last time I passed it was very busy. (I hope the crowds got permission from the various bodies concerned to be there....

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe London is full of Olympic athletes and tourists at the mo looking at this shot. Nice.


Stefan Jansson said...

I watched the soccer game between Sweden and South Africa. Sweden won 4-1. Hurrah!

Jack said...

Folks in London need a few places where they can sit quietly and hear themselves think. Especially for the next few weeks . . .

Witness said...


Raleigh Storage Rental said...

Looks like a great spot to sit and just read. Love the photo!

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