Brixton windmill was built in 1816 for the milling of flour and wheat meal. It relied totally on wind power until 1862, as technology changed so did the operating of the mill. Water to steam engine to gas engine. After WWII as it lay abandoned plans to demolish it and build a block of flats were proposed and finally rejected. It has since undergone several restorations, the last one in 2011. Check their
website to see what days it is open to visitors.
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just below the weather widget).
Sounds like a dangerous place according to that web site, but I'm glad that they decided to save the old windmill.
Fascinating! I never knew that existed, especially there!
Thanks for blogging about Brixton Windmill! Just a small correction - it was built in 1816, not 1862, and the steam-powered mill was installed in 1902 because there wasn't enough wind to drive the sails.
@Stefan Jansson: It's not dangerous per se, but it was built as a working mill, not a tourist attraction, so we just need to warn potential visitors that there are steep ladders and low-hanging large bits of machinery. Do pay us a visit some time!
Looks great Mo.
Very picturesque!
Friends of Windmill Garden
Thanks for pointing out the typo. Fixed now.
I love that this was saved, and a wonderful photo to boot.
(Also love the women's cycling photo from yesterday - great action shot!)
I'm astonished - a windmill in Brixton. You do find amazing things, Mo. I will go and have a look, I have an idea of going to look around Brixton soon, if the weather improves again.
Fascinating story, I love windmills!
It is remarkable that this still exists. Don't you love it when the Friends found your blog and contributed to it?
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