
Sunday, 30 September 2012

No Hope Left

Sweeny Todd, the infamous barber who turned his clients into pies, crossed my mind, when, yesterday I ventured into a macabre pop-up butchers in Smithfields that had human limbs on the menu.
Not for the feint hearted but if flesh eating zombies are your thing, I guess you will be excited that the reason for this store is to promote the launch of the game Resident Evil 6.

And if you are one of the excited ones you can get a sneak preview on twitter #nohopeleft.

I'm thinking of becoming vegetarian.


Sharon said... macabre. That will give you nightmares.

Babzy.B said...

spooky ! ;)

Luis Gomez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jabblog said...

Revolting - makes you think about what you eat though.

Unknown said...

Very weird. But I do like your shot of the hands hanging.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm giving this a thumbs down Mo, could be worse, could be a thumbs off haha!

Karine said...

Oh God, I would have run the other way!

Adullamite said...

Great picture Mo!
But I will avoid pies for a while.....

Jack said...

No no no no no.

Lowell said...

Yikes! This is horrible. One wonders if there are any limits to anything anymore. Be cool, not cruel. Be avid, not stupid. Sheesh!

Brianna Asaro Photography said...

Wait wait wait... is that LEGAL?


Eek, real limbs?! I confess I do like your first shot though, limbs or no. I may stick to vegetables for the time being.

Gunn said...


Tamera said...

Creepy! Thank goodness I actually AM a vegetarian!

Stefan Jansson said...

I will be right over!

sheloveslondon said...

That is HORRIBLE (but, err, definitely going to check it out)

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