
Sunday, 20 January 2013

Preparing for Robbie Burns night. A surprise for the customers in John Lewis department store, as a haggis and whiskey were lead by a piper through the store and then everyone was invited to sample both in the food hall.
The whiskey was tempting but I'm not so sure about that haggis.

It is a tradition, I'm told, to celebrate the Baird's birthday with a supper and a spot of poetry reading


Annicles said...

Do try it - it is so delicious, peppery and savoury!

Hilda said...

I had to find out what haggis was—no thank you. Everything else about this store event sounds good, though.

My name is Riet said...

LOvely old customs. I have to find out what haggis is.The man looks great in his Scottish outfit.

Adullamite said...

WHISKY does NOT have an 'e.'

Adullamite said...

Try this for info.

jabblog said...

Great idea - I'd have had the haggis and declined the whisky, though.

Brianna Asaro Photography said...

Never heard of it... I learn something new every day!

Accidental Londoner said...

Haggis is super-tasty! Just don't think what it's actually made of...

Sharon said...

What a fun encounter but, I think I'd pass on the haggis too.

imajoebob said...

I'd think this was a perfect opportunity to give it a try. If it tastes great it's a big discovery. if the the offal is awful you have a shot of whisky to (quite effectively) kill the taste. A great Scotch will be a treat, and a lousy one will just taste like Listerine. Win-win.

Jack said...

This would have been great fun. I love bagpipes. Haggis? Maybe I would have given it to someone nearby.

Look att all the people ringing the balcony.

C. Hughjimmy said...

Dear English, what is Baird?


It's a lovely tradition, though haggis is a stumbling block for me...poetry only:)

Babzy.B said...

i tried the haggis , it's worthit ;)

Stefan Jansson said...

This is a scene never seen in Sweden.

Gunn said...

I have tasted HAGGIS in Stavanger, made by some Scottish people.

I always thought I could not eat it, but seriously it was worth trying!:)

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