
Monday, 21 January 2013

Real Snow

Snow has fallen all weekend. It's fun for dogs, making snowmen and having snowball fights. It's a nightmare if you're trying to catch a plane from Heathrow.


Angie said...

Are you getting out of the snow into a warmer place? Snow really only looks good (love the snowman!)

biebkriebels said...

It looks quite similar as here, we had a lot of snow too.

Adullamite said...

Ugh horrid!
(Pics good mind)

Brianna Asaro Photography said...

LOL. That's funny. That kind of snow here wouldn't even cancel school or work or any flights. But it's darn pretty!

Sharon said...

I just heard a bit on the news about the snow causing travel snarls all over England and Europe. I love your photo today. Very pretty.

An Maliq said...

Oh my God! Hope it's gonna melt soon. I fly to London in few weeks!

My name is Riet said...

That is a beautiful photo. WE have lots of snow here too, I try to keep indoors

RedPat said...

A winter wonderland! Enjoy! We have no snow now and I'm enjoying that.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

How often does this happen?

imajoebob said...

Perhaps this will be the year Heathrow figures out that the biggest airport in Europe should have enough snow equipment to keep at least one runway clear at all times. Heck, for less than a Pound extra per ticket they can buy and staff enough trucks to keep all the runways (and car parks) clear.

Jack said...

It is fun seeing snow photos from London, probably more fun for me than for the travelers trying to get into or out of Heathrow.

Babzy.B said...

you have more snow than us ! it makes the city beautiful :)

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks real enough.

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