
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

For the Geeks

There is a weeny bit of geek in this gal that comes out when I get to see new toys like this one.  I was invited to the launch of Sony's new Xperia smart phone last night.  It's waterproof! Well how many of you have dropped your phone somewhere it shouldn't go?

It is a pretty impressive phone, as is the camera and video in it.  No they didn't give me one, but I would have gladly accepted it if they had.


  1. I don't even own a phone to drop!

  2. I have a clunky 'pay as you go' for my one phone call a month; can't do text, tried using the camera but failed to email it, so don't use that, Facebook - nah. But I'm sure this one is nice.

  3. Super low key event wasn't it, really liked it and meeting you and everyone else.
    I was there for

  4. This is a real step forward. I know a couple of people who have accidentally dropped their phone into water. I've been hearing on the news about this new bendable glass that they will be putting in cell phones sometime in the future.

  5. Just a gimmick! How many people drop their phones in water? Not many! I would rather have an unbreakable screen. How many people drop their phones and break the screen...

  6. Cool fishbowl shot! I also get nervous about spilling my mug or flask on my phone, so this would appeal to clumsy folks on all fronts.

  7. Hmm, could be good for my family. One daughter lost her phone after it fell into the harbour, another daughter lost hers after in a drink and a sister in law had one fall out of her pocket and into the toilet!!!


  8. Oooooohhhh! Fabulous idea! And your anonymous commenter above should feel lucky. Dropping phones in the toilet, bath and kitchen sink has happened to even my most responsible and careful of friends. And to one who always does that type of thing.
