
Thursday, 7 February 2013

Market Treasures

It's fun spotting all these treasures at the market, but who actually buys this stuff? Do you?


  1. Both of them look familiar to me. I started my office job at the typewriter. But your're right I wouldn't buy one anymore.

  2. Back in the 60s I always wanted a reel-to-reel tape machine. Got rid of the typewriter when Amstrad brought out his first machines. 164Kb of main memory was a big deal then! Who remembers CPM before Windows came along?

  3. One of Sweden's best known authors writes all his book with his old typewriter.

  4. No, I wouldn't buy these things but, you are right it is fun to look at them.

  5. Hi Mo! I've been meaning to pop by for the longest time and say hi but I have to admit, I've been hibernating with the Januaries. Hope you're well and hi!

    You know what I'd really like? One of those portable record players that come in a case. I'd definitely buy one of those.

  6. I'd love that typewriter for my classroom!

  7. Keep me away - I need to declutter. The last London flat had a bedroom smaller than most California bathrooms. Even now, the thought of extra stuff makes me anxious.

  8. I enjoy browsing markets like this one, but, no, I wouldn't have bought these!

  9. I used to Mo, but now I just like to drool over treasures like these!

  10. No, I would not buy any of them.
    In Norway it is quite trendy to go for the RETRO style, so I guess some people would have paid a very good price for the typewriter.
