
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

This Way

Fish and chips this way.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Follow you nose nnot the sign. Got your meassage. Contact me on Twitter

Unknown said...

Love London so much!!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Is he phoning the bloke up the road about the lass that is trying to get away?

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Ooh yes, please lead me to the real fish and chips in England! Out here in Malaysia they try to replicate it but it's just not the same!

Duncan in Kuantan

John said...

Maybe it's an age thing, but fish & chips tasted better when I was a lad in the 50s. Probably just me.

Sharon said...

I'll follow the signs.

Adullamite said...


Mandy said...

It's not bad fish and chips either but not as nice as the local one near our house!

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