
Sunday, 27 October 2013

West India Quay

A couple of hundred years ago this area would have been teeming with workers loading and unloading ships.  Spices and tea from the far east  coming in and British goods going abroad.  This century during the week the area is teeming with bankers entering the high rise buildings either side of the dock.


Andy said...

The times have really changed. Going from labourers to bankers is one of those changes.

Sharon said...

What a change a few years makes.

Adullamite said...

Dockers or bankers, there are similarities there.

John said...

You probably only need to go back to a few years after the war to see it as a teeming dock area. The march of 'apartment man'.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Couple of hundred years ago those dock cranes would not have been there either, it would have been done by hand. A shame it has all gone

Jack said...

That says it all, doesn't it?

Angie said...

Well - there are 'workers' and there are workers!

Mandy said...

Ha ha. I love how you describe the bankers as teeming!

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