
Thursday, 19 December 2013

More Festival Decorations

A Christmas tree at the entrance to the London Transport Museum.


John said...

The wet pebbles and the purple reflection in the foreground really make the shot for me.

Mandy said...

This is magical! Like John says, the wet pebbles an reflection make it stand out along with the bright lights. It's what I love about winter in this country.

Luis Gomez said...

This is so pretty Mo.

Tanya Breese said...

i love how sparkly it is with the wet stones!

Sharon said...

It looks like you are having more rain, I see the tree reflected in the wet pavement.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Was that last night, because we had enough rain for sure

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Not often that London Transport are the bringers of joy at this time of year, so well done them. And well done you for bringing it to a wider audience!

Anonymous said...

Love the different colours and reflections on the damp cobbles, very Dickens like!

William Kendall said...

A nicely composed shot, Mo. Feels very much like London...

Jack said...

I would love to see this museum. I have some vintage travel posters from the 1920s on my walls in Florida, from places I have visited and loved. London Transport sponsored some wonderful travel posters from that period and I have seen some of the museum's collection online.

It looks great in your post-rain shot.

Linens and Royals said...

My next trip to London must be at Christmas time, I want to see the lights and experience a cold Christmas. I will even buy a coat which I don't need where I live.

Andy said...

I like the lighting on the wet cobblestones.

Alexander said...

Love this shot. I like the reflection of the London Transport Museum logo from the ground.

Alex's World! -

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