
Monday, 10 February 2014


What ever specialist dish you are creating you will find the ingredients in London. 


Andy said...

Nice photo but not my type of meal.

Tamera said...

Definitely not for this vegetarian! Ha ha!

John said...

Think I'll pass, thanks.

Lowell said...

I'd better not show Lois Anne this - she's a vegetarian. I'm not a vegetarian but this is not appealing to me, either. I guess there are people who would find the "delicacies" attractive, though. :)

Sharon said...

Luckily, I don't see anything I need. :-)

Babzy.B said...

wow , make me sick ... ;)

William Kendall said...

Something a bit more processed for me, thanks....

Angie said...

Never had Pigs Trotters, have had Tripe (& nearly threw up), have liked Jellied Eels!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Not on my shopping list, but I remember my mother buying them to make brawn. My dad also liked tripe and chittlins but wouldn't touch liver or kidneys.

Jack said...

Isn't that the truth. It is a bit hard for me to accept that London has become a food mecca. In the days when I first visited, the food was absolutely dreadful and the Londoners seemed to be proud of its wretchedness.

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