
Thursday 29 May 2014

Secret Location

A charming little book store in Bloomsbury.  Even more so when you know that this was where the series Black Books  was filmed.  The series stars Dylan Moran who plays an eccentric store owner Bernard who hates his customers and doesn't like selling books.  Also starring are Bill Bailey who plays the long time suffering assistant Manny and Tasman Greig who plays Bernard's only friend and drinking buddy, Fran, who runs the Nifty Gifty store next door.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful looking place!

Adullamite said...

A bookshop that is still open?

Accidental Londoner said...

Weirdly I just started rewatching Black Books and was thinking I should find out where it was filmed - thanks for telling me!

Mandy said...

Oh wonderful! I didn't know it was a real place but remember the series!!

John said...

Lovely old shop-front; I see the walker prefers to have his head down in an electronic 'thingy' rather than glance in the window.

Come Away With Me said...

The series you mention is not familiar to me; perhaps it has not made it to this side of the Atlantic yet, but if it does I think I would enjoy it. And I do wish I could walk through the doors of this little bookstore and spend a few hours!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I recognised that instantly. I love Black Books, so much so I have the whole series. That's a great image for me, froma fan's point of view

William Kendall said...

As far as I know, it hasn't made it over to this side of the Atlantic, so I've never heard of the series. It's a very pleasant looking shop.

RedPat said...

I love that show! Will have to look fro the real store the next time I'm over there.

Angie said...

Love the shop - not so sure about 'Black Books'

Jack said...

I don't think that series has crossed the pond. It is a very small store to give rise to a popular television series.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Lovely little shop - like a little piece of Cambridge has been transported to London. Though even here some of the smaller shops are struggling.

Stefan Jansson said...

I loved that show!

Catherine said...

I've seen Black Books on TV in New York, and it's also on Netflix and/or Hulu. It was funny enough, but I mostly watched because I loved the shop. Will have to look for it on my next visit!

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