
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

For Katherine

A few days ago Katherine of art-e-facts asked "where is Kings Place?"
It is in York Way in Kings Cross. Home to the London Symphony Orchestra.  A place for art, music, food, and events.  Sip a glass of wine looking out over Regents Canal and watch the sun go down and see some of London's best sunsets.  Ok not today unless you're a duck or just love watching the rain.  However, today you could have some hot soup and look at the art then take in a concert.


  1. Nice things to do and see, whatever the weather!

  2. The area around the canal wasn't always as smart as that!

  3. I'm honoured, answering my question with a whole blog post. Thankyou. I can't believe that I've never been there. Us SE Londoners need to travel up Northa bit more. x

  4. It looks quite pleasing to the eye!

  5. What a nice and interesting posting!
    Thanks for sharing.
