What do you mean Ted will keep you entertained while you are in the air ... I have beds to change with odd numbered duvet squares .. I have odd shaped pillows .. I've broken things and I may have picked a fight with that short policeman when his horse shat on my bike ... Otherwise .. All good ... Love Tec
Missed you - Ted has been doing a great job!!
ReplyDeleteI bet you will be happy to be home.
ReplyDeleteQuite a view!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean Ted will keep you entertained while you are in the air ... I have beds to change with odd numbered duvet squares .. I have odd shaped pillows .. I've broken things and I may have picked a fight with that short policeman when his horse shat on my bike ... Otherwise .. All good ... Love Tec
ReplyDeleteYou have been away from a long time. Are you going to share anything about where you have been, Mystery Lady?