
Sunday, 7 December 2014

Ted goes to market

Kings Cross, once a place of danger, drugs, depravity, degenerates, and dubious dealings … well so goes the urban myth. But what was once a place to be avoided is now the “in” place to be.  Pourquoi? … the regeneration of what was considered to be a couple of the main reasons for its degeneration … Kings Cross and St Pancras railway stations!!  St Pancras is a marvellous piece of restored Victorian architecture (I can’t bring myself to use the word “beautiful" when referring to most red brick Victorian architecture, as it always looks to me like it wouldn't be out of place in a Grimm’s Brothers child frightening “fairy tale”). While Victorian era, Kings Cross station is actually a very handsome honey coloured brick station, and yes, it may be my London favourite.

These two are among 20 historic buildings being restored that has led to Kings Cross being named one of England’s best heritage led developments.  That’s great Ted, but it’s hardly enough to make it hipster territory is it.  Well quite the contrary it seems, they are coming from near and far to be part of it all. Among the many, there’s the early arriver, St Martins university of arts, and even Google turns up soon .. The area is now part of what is considered “midtown” that is home to all the cool professions like design, media, entertainment, and funky new generation versions of uncool old stuff like lawyers and solicitors.  The first signs were there a while ago when a greasy spoon café was replaced by an organic vegan Japanese restaurant. But you haven’t really arrived as destination and until you have your own “real food market” … and now Kings Cross has one.

It’s full of stall holders with great real food for our enjoyment. I went along and tried a few of the things on offer.  The very cold looking stall holders had wares that included organic veggies, cheese, bread, teas, honey, all sorts of ethnic cuisine, oils, charcuterie from pigs fed on acorns, meat, fish, pates, and brownies in a multitude of flavours from chai latte, peanut butter brittle, and bacon & maple syrup with candied bacon topping (no I didn’t make that up) and tarts … well of course there would be tarts in Kings Cross wouldn't there…


  1. Indeed that was a bad spot!
    Cor lummy guv it was no place for a young lass at night.

    Mind you these 'trendies' might be worse!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A century ago my great grandparents sold vegetables at the Hay Market in Stockholm. This time of the year I can only buy my vegetables at the grocery store.

  4. It must be fun to wander around and look at (and maybe buy) all the fancy foods and veggies.

  5. I took a look just before I got on my train at Kings Cross and I can say that the bacon and maple syrup brownie was delicious! They were just packing up so this caught my eye. Will certainly take a longer look next time.

  6. The same is happening with a neighbourhood here that's had a reputation for being a place you try to avoid. It's starting to become gentrified.

  7. I didn't realize that Kings Cross used to be considered seedy.
