
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

the Lamppost and the Tower

They are not the same. A lamppost and the BT tower.  However at a distance a relationship can be created.  Is this how the David and Goliath concept began do you suppose.  Bravery at a distance that is hard to relinquish when you reach the destination and see the true size.   Recently my BT internet reception pales into insignifigance when compared with the light one receives from an ordinary street lamp.  Especially this week!


Adullamite said...

Good picture that.

Sharon said...

I love this photo! Sounds like you are having a little internet slowing lately. I've experience that myself from time to time.

William Kendall said...

I think I prefer the lamppost to the tower!

Anonymous said...

They compliment each other perfectly in your image!

Gunn said...

I agree with William on this.
But the BT tower, is it closed or open to the public?

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