
Friday 15 January 2016

The Lights have been Switched On

London's first Lumiere Festival opened last night.  A very bright and cheerful welcome to gloomy January.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That's very beautiful. These light festivals seem to be popping up everywhere these days.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks very nice and worth going to see

Mandy said...

Beautiful! I'm going tomorrow night!

Sharon said...

Oh wow, this is beautiful. I wish I was there to take some photos.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Come Away With Me said...

How pretty. It looks like a kind of fairytale land.

RedPat said...

We could use such a festival here. It looks fabulous, Mo!

Angie said...

All things bright & beautiful - looking forward to more photos, please!!!

Jack said...

January would be a good month for a lighting festival in a dark and gloomy place like London. I have more often seen them in the summer.

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